
What is gastroenterology? Hepato-gastro-enterology is the medical speciality that deals with the organs of digestion, how they function, their diseases and how to treat them. The organs that make up the digestive system are :


What is gynaecology? Gynaecology is the medical field that studies and treats the various pathologies of the female reproductive system and female hormonal disorders: menstruation, menopause, contraception, diseases of the breast, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, etc. Gynaecology also includes obstetrics, the speciality of the obstetric gynaecologist being dedicated to monitoring Read more…

Medical check-up

What is a check up? A check-up is a periodic general examination of people who feel healthy because they have no symptoms or disorders. This health check-up is therefore a periodic preventive examination aimed above all at the early detection of diseases that were previously asymptomatic.Screening tests can be part Read more…


What is cardiology? Cardiology is concerned with the cardiovascular system, i.e. the heart and blood vessels (arteries and veins), and with the prevention and treatment of the abnormalities and diseases that affect it: high blood pressure, heart failure, heart rhythm disorders, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, etc. Cardiologists may have to intervene Read more…


What is medical oncology? Medical oncology is the discipline responsible for the medical management of cancer, i.e. using chemotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy and targeted therapies. It also deals with support care, i.e. the management of all the other problems associated with cancer or the undesirable effects of treatment: pain, fatigue, Read more…